
Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Masculine Mustache Valentine

This year was a first for us.  My 5 year old got a male kindergarten teacher.  We were not sure what to expect at first but he has been amazing and we could not be happier with him as her teacher.  It is not that we were afraid that he would not be a good teacher or anything like that, we were concerned with how my very girly daughter would adapt to spending most of her day with a man other than Daddy.  She has blossomed into this smart, funny, kind little girl and we are more than impressed with her transformation....Let's just say she was a HANDFUL as a 3 and 4 year old:)

So we wanted to create an extra special Valentine for him but I was not sure what to do that was not too girly.  My daughter went to a birthday party and one of the favors was a sparkly mustache...It WAS PERFECT! 

I have heard lots of puns about mustache as of late and I started playing with the word in my mind to come up with an appropriate saying.  Here is what I came up with!

The postcard is hand drawn on the back and my daughter cannot wait to fill it out and give in to him on Valentine's Day!

Please share your Valentine's creations in the comments!  I would love to see your creations!

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